
Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Welcome Banner

This year I am trying to bring my class rainbow theme together. I never thought much about classroom themes before which lead to an eclectic collection of posters and resources. If I had the money and time to start all over again I would go for a straight purple theme but this seems unreasonable so I decided to go with a rainbow theme.
It has been a bit haphazard of a theme but it is slowly coming together. Make sure you are following me on this blog to see when I post my classroom tour sometime in February.
I have caught onto the welcome banner craze (???) and couldn't find one I liked so I made up my own.
 I plan to hang this so it is visible as soon as you walk through the door. I just have to laminate it.
I have now included bunting that spells the word GOODBYE! so you can glue it to the back of the WELCOME! bunting if displaying in the middle of an area. If you do that though remember that the letters need to be glued in the opposite direction of the welcome letters to read the right way. I also fixed the bunting background up so the lines all go the same way!  

You can purchase this sign along with my classroom rules posters (more to come on that soon) from Teachers Pay Teachers.

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