
Monday, 12 January 2015

Persuasive Writing Year 5 Complete Unit

My most successful product to date is my Persuasive Writing Unit for Year 3.

I have finally done up a planner along these lines for Year 5. It features fun and engaging activities, relevant persuasive topics and will assist your students to do well in NAPLAN. While it does have some overlap with the Year 3 planner it has some completely new lessons and is a more targeted unit.

The package is a complete 10 week unit on persuasive writing (exposition writing). It includes a planner based on ACARA curriculum that features a variety of interesting teaching strategies and the worksheets and posters to go with each lesson.

The planner was written for year 5's but is easily adjustable for using in year 4 and 6 classrooms. 
At just over three pages the planner features five to six steps for each lesson, keeping it simple and succinct. Teachers need to use their own skill to ensure the lesson remains explicit and teaching opportunities are not missed.

The lesson I am most excited about is entitled 'Pick a Side and Justify'. It is the introductory lesson into the topic and is based off the 'Would You Rather' Game. Students are put into groups and then teacher calls out a would you rather... Students then discuss which one they would rather and why (they must pick one!). Then students record their justification on a speech bubble and then glue that on to their chosen side on a T-Chart on a piece of giant paper. It is sure to engage all your students and get them justifying their answers.
Available on Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Market Place