
Saturday, 24 January 2015

It's HERE!

This package is a complete 10 week unit on narrative writing (exposition writing). It includes a planner based on ACARA curriculum that features a variety of interesting teaching strategies and the worksheets and posters to go with each lesson.

The planner was written for year 3's but is easily adjustable for using in year 4 and 5 classrooms. 

At four pages the planner features five to six steps for each lesson, keeping it simple and succinct. Teachers need to use their own skill to ensure the lesson remains explicit and teaching opportunities are not missed. 
The package contains posters, prompts, activities and checklists.
A lot of people teach narratives through the concept of a juicy hamburger. I use that concept for persuasive writing and did not want to get the two topics confused. So I create the above poster showing narrative writing as a roller coaster ride. 
Think of a narrative like going on a roller coaster ride. In the beginning there is anticipation. Who’s going on the roller coaster? Where are they?                                                                                                 
Slowly the cart starts going up the first hill. It builds up slowly.                                                                  
Everything changes when you reach the top of the rollercoaster. The ‘uh oh’ moment. What’s the problem? What are the implications?  Then as it takes you down towards the finish everything starts to return to normal.                                                                                                                                               
At the top of the roller coast the sky helps remind students that at the beginning of the story things are fine but trouble is coming. Lightening strikes at the top of the hill and at the end of the story everything is sunny again.                                                                                                                                      
Without the support beams the rollercoaster would fall down. A narrative needs the support of punctuation (full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and speech marks), adjectives (complex words), language devises (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, alliteration), setting (time, place, atmosphere), characterisation and paragraphs (One for beginning, one for each problem and one for each solution).

It contains Amazing Adjectives Activities (also sold individually)Click here for more info

Also Narrative Picture Prompt Cards (also sold individually) Click here for more info

I have trialed this unit aspects of this unit in my classroom with pleasing results. I am BEYOND excited to trial this improved unit with my new batch of students.

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