
Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Today's Number is....

So I have seen these around Pinterest for quite a while now and with school going back on Monday I decided to finally get into gear and make myself one. I really want to increase the quality of my maths lessons this year. I am going to be breaking my maths block into four sections. Basic skills to start the lesson, explicit mat session, consolidation activity, reinforcing maths game. For first term I am going to use Today's Number is as the basic skills activity. While I have done 12 questions up I am going to start with 5 and introduce a new question each week, with the final few being challenges for the more able finishes.
I am calling it Number Crunch to make it more appealing to the students!
You can download it free here

1 comment:

  1. Is this still free Amy? I tried to download it but it's not free
