My second biggest seller is my First Aid Unit. This also happens to be my favourite unit to teach. It is fun and engaging for the teacher and students! Today I thought I would go into a little more detail about what the unit contains.
The three page planner contains 5-6 steps for each lesson. This keeps it short and succinct for a busy teacher but you do need to be careful that you really flush out each of those points while teaching. It utilises many different teaching strategies and moves at a steady pace through the topics. By the end of the unit students will know how to;
- Identify risks
- keep themselves safe
- give first aid in different situations
- identify when they need to get help
- know what to do in an emergency
- determine when to call 000/911
- know what information to give when calling 000/911
- explain and act out DRS ABCD
The unit also comes with a series of first aid posters. Use these for your reference, for display, for the activities or make them into a reference book for your class library. The first aid topics covered in this unit are; burns, nosebleeds, wounds, chocking, DRS ABCD, CPR, broken bones, sprains, stings and bites.
The best way to learn is by doing and so students have ampule opportunities to (pretend) practice the skills they learn. Towards the end of the unit students get given scenario cards (examples below) to act out.
The unit features a great deal of higher order thinking as students are asked to compare strategies, retell and summarise information and share their knowledge with others. There are venn diagrams, retrieval charts, flow charts, T-charts and lots of discussion and collaboration.
It includes provision for both Australia (000) and America (911) but contains Australian English.
Available for purchase on Teachers Pay Teachers, Teachers Market Place and Teachers Notebook. (click on the site to take you to the resource.
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