
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Revamping Your Teaching Store

After taking (maternity) leave from my Teachers Pay Teachers store I felt like an update was needed upon my return. Here's a list of what I have gone through and done:

  • New store banners
  • Analysed statistics for views vs downloads. If your products are getting views then your thumbnails and titles are doing their jobs. If your views vs downloads ratio isn't good (high views/low download number) then your summary of the product (or the product itself) is not good enough. My free products average out to have about 1 download for every 5 views and my paid is approximately 1:20. Definitely room for improvement.
  • Went 'searching' for my products to see what else was out there that was similar and where my products showed up in the list.
  • Based on the analysis and search results I changed some product descriptions, titles and thumbnails. I plan to redo a few of my products but that will take more time.
  • Adjusted prices for highly successful and unsuccessful products. Pricing products isn't an easy task and you shouldn't feel bad about adjusting prices as needed. 
Its definitely helped motivate me to start producing content just to find the time....

Saturday, 18 October 2014

I'm Back!

So I have been gone from the blogging and creating teaching product's world for a while. I had a baby (Aria) and worked up until three days before she was born (I had my reports done and left the relief teacher with almost all the lessons planned for). I then went back to work when she was 2 months old leaving her with her stay-at-home Daddy. Oh and we moved into the house we had been building. ( Crazy I know! It's been hard work looking after a baby and 22 students and it has left no time for anything else.

So it may come as no surprise that if you are not active on your blog or on the teacher selling sites that sales and views decline. The moment I started to upload new products my sales increased dramatically. I am hoping to keep this increase going by putting up new products every month and blogging at least once a week. Check out my new products below.
First Aid